整机特点: 用电极分别压紧产品的两端,通电后由**锻缸将两端口按设定速度逐渐推进,端口在接近的过程中先接触的部位电流密度较大,会瞬间液化形成金属过梁并爆破出现金属飞溅,即闪光;随着端口的逐渐靠近,接触的点逐渐增多,最后整个端面均形成了无数液态金属过梁,并不断爆破,使端面加热到塑性和液态的临界点后瞬间对两端面施以大的**锻力并保压一段时间,将两端面熔接在一起,焊接完成。这种焊接强度高,致密性好,无虚焊,无气孔,无夹渣。 主要应用领域 1、应用于各种刀,叉,汤匙,打蛋器等厨具餐具的对焊; 2、自行车,摩托车,汽车车圈及其他金属环的对焊; 3、各种金属丝,金属带,铁棒,建筑用钢筋对焊; 4、各种圆形(方形)镀锌管,钢管,铁管的焊接。 Features The Machine: Flash Butt Welding Machine is Clamp the welding parts by welding electrode firstly without touch,then driving the welding electrode slowly together with a preheat current to flash clean the oxidation and uneven surface to make welding area as hot plasticizing.the temperature of welding area turn to more and more heat and the welding current density increasing together,flash and splash make two touch surface has melted together.Finally perform a fast upsetting force on welding joint to finish welding and breaking current.this type welding joint has high strength without false welding and pores. Typical Applications: 1、 All kinds of dinnerware,cooking knives and table knives; 2、 Bicycle rim,motorbike rim,car rim,or similar strip rings; 3、 As the cross-sectional area in the welding becomes extremely hot,the motion is accelerated. 4、 Variou steel strip,steel rod,construction rebar,round tube and square tube 主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameters: 参数 Parameter 额度功率Rated Power 额度电压Rated Voltage 额定频率Rated Frequency 较大短路电流Max Short Current 负载持续率Rated Duty Cycle 较大加紧力Max Clamping Force 较大**锻力 Max Upsetting Force 冷却水流量Cooling Water Required 平均重量Average Weight 外形尺寸 Over Dimensions L*W*H 型号 Model No. TUN-50 50KVA 380V/420V 50/60Hz 19000A 50% 4000N 2000N 150L/H 350Kg 100*90*150CM TUN-75 75KVA 380V/420V 50/60Hz 24000A 50% 6500N 3000N 150L/H 450Kg 100*90*150CM TUN-100 100KVA 380V/420V 50/60Hz 28000A 50% 6500N 3000N 150L/H 550Kg 100*90*150CM TUN-150 150KVA 380V/420V 50/60Hz 32000A 50% 8500N 4000N 300L/H 1200Kg 140*100*170CM TUN-200 200KVA 380V/420V 50/60Hz 37000A 50% 8500N 4000N 300L/H 1400Kg 140*100*170CM TUN-250 250KVA 380V/420V 50/60Hz 45000A 50% 12000N 6000N 600L/H 1600Kg 180*120*190CM TUN-300 300KVA 380V/420V 50/60Hz 52000A 50% 12000N 6000N 600L/H 1800Kg 180*120*190CM